XJ Series Double Flow
Crossflow towers are the best option for variable flow and cold weather operation and offer easier maintenance than counterflow and forced draft towers. All dual inlet crossflow towers meet ASHRAE 90.1 efficiency requirements, with some models achieving efficiency up to 3.5 times the minimum requirement.
- G235 (Z700) galvanized steel casing and basin
- Bolted construction (no self-tapping screws)
- Internal plenum walkway provides easy access to all maintenance items
- Large inward opening access doors
- Removable hot water basin covers
- Clog resistant, gravity fed nozzles
- High efficiency PVC film fill
- Louvers and drift eliminators integrated into fill packs
- Aluminum blade low noise fans
- Heavy duty banded v-belt and sheave fan drive system
- Motors specifically configured for cooling tower use
- Mechanical vibration switch
- Stainless steel construction (304 or 316)
- Fully welded cold water basin (stainless steel only)
- Cold water basin heater system
- Electronic water level control
- Sump sweeper
- High temperature rated fill and drift material (10°F higher than standard)
- Weir dams for operation at reduced water flow rates
- Single inlet connection
- Gearbox fan drive system
- Direct drive system
- Variable frequency drive (VFD)
- Externally mounted motor
- Super low noise fan
- Velocity recovery stack
- Air inlet screens
- Access ladder
- Roof railing
- Vibration isolation system
- Davit arm
See brochure, engineering data and specifications for more details.